Christmas Challenge No. Three:
Simplify Your Holiday
by Mary E. Stephens
1 Peter 4:3-4 For the time past of
our life may suffice us to have wrought the will
of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of
wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they
think it strange that ye run not with them
to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:

If you have not read
the first
page of this challenge,
you might wish to do so.
What is this madness that people get into for a
month or more prior to Christmas? They are running to parties,
shopping, attending events (recitals, plays, programs, cantatas,
practices), shopping, cooking and baking in excess, shopping, etc.? And, I should mention shopping. What does all that
have to do with the Lord Jesus Christ? Or even the supposed celebration
of His birth? (And, I'm not even going to discuss here what the origins
of Christmas revelings are, which would necessitate another whole class
of considerations entirely. You can find more on that
If I told you that we celebrated my dad's
birthday by running around to all kinds of mostly unrelated events for a
month or more before the actual day would you think that was a bit odd? Be honest here. Yet, that is what a lot of people do, claiming
that it is "for Jesus." What? Show me that in the Bible.
On top of that, this is the most sentimental,
nostalgic holiday of the year. Absolutely. So, on top of all
the extra activities are the required traditions, both church and family,
that "can't" be avoided or left undone. Also, it is the most
emotionally draining time of the year. After it is over some people
actually suffer
from depression similar to what many mothers have after they give birth.
Maybe it's time to choose a simpler plan for your
"celebration." Not only will it save you money; you will also have
time to focus more on your family (especially your children whom you
claim you must have Christmas for); you will be less emotionally
exhausted; and most of all you will have more time, energy and resources
to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Wouldn't that be a novel
So, this challenge is about letting go of extra
activities so that you can "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His
wonderful face; And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the
light of His glory and grace." And, may I just say that He Himself
is so much more wonderful than all of
the things and activities that people imagine they need for Christmas.
Romans 14:17-19 For the kingdom of God is not
meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to
God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which
make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
The first word of advice here, then, is to choose
your activities carefully and wisely. Start cutting out extras
that are non-essential, and be honest with yourself about what is
Stop the shopping marathon. As mentioned previously, you can get your shopping done early -
before November even. Ok, I'm a procrastinator myself
on too many things, so I know this can be a real challenge. But, I also know it can be done because some people do it. Write it on your calendar for June and then get the job done! :-)
Sure, you won't be running around in all the excitement and decor in
December, er....November...or October....wait we saw Christmas stuff
up on Labor Day weekend in September this year! Ugh! But, don't you
think you might enjoy the holidays more if you weren't in a
kerfuffle to get all those last minute things done? You want
this to be a joyful celebration of Christ's birth and yet you get
yourselves so distracted that you only have time to think about it
for an hour or two a week at a church meeting or program and maybe
for a few minutes on Christmas when you read the story of His birth
from the Bible. Hello?
Skip the parties,
particularly anything that isn't directly related to church family
or your own family. Unless you have a good reason, especially
eliminate anything that is worldly in nature and where there is
drunkenness and gluttony involved.
But, the parties are so fun, I know. Really, though, what do
they have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? Maybe a few "Christmas
carols" are sung at the Christians ones, but do even those
parties really edify, or is it just "fun"? Do they cause you grow in grace, and in the knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ... (2 Peter 3:18)?
If you think these questions are unfair, please recall that you
claim to be doing these things because you are celebrating the birth
of the Lord Jesus. What do you think His opinion would be of the
parties you attend? Does He have the preeminence in all these
events that you claim are in His honor??
Colossians 1:18 And he is the head of the
body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead;
that in all things he might have the preeminence.
True, feasting is acceptable in
the scriptures, but too much of what goes on in
the name of Christ at Christmas time doesn't remind one much of the ways of the Lord.
It smacks more of running to excess of riot (see the verse at the
top of page).
Bow out of the Christmas programs,
non-essential church activities, musicales and recitals. This will undoubtedly make someone mad (both that I wrote this, and
at you if you do it). But, there are times when you have to
choose between what is good for you and your family (for health,
strength, etc.) and all those extra curricular activities, including
non-essential church events.
Yes, I know that some of you consider the church Christmas program
or cantata essential. So, make that your "big event" and bow
out on the other things. Remember this is a choice here. And, by the way, I'd like to see where in the Bible it says that
Christmas programs and cantatas are essential. I don't mean
show me the birth of Jesus, I mean show me where it says we should
have a special program about or because of it. So, if it isn't
there, then it isn't an essential part of
church life and we are not all obligated to participate. I didn't say it was evil, friends; I said it was non-essential. Please note that. Besides, I think that a lot more could be done for the Gospel of
Jesus Christ if the church put its' efforts into something more
practical and effective, but I won't grind that down too closely.
There are other aspects of simplifying in
other challenges, but since I address them as separate subjects
I'll not deal with them here.
In conclusion to this, however, the gist of this
challenge is to reduce your running to and fro, and in place of it to be
at peace and rest with your loved ones and most of all with the Lord. Do
you truly think that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is
honored by the hectic running to and fro? Can the world see Jesus
in you when your so-called celebration of His birth is so hectic that
you don't have time to focus on Him, to feed the hungry, to care for the
dying, to comfort the brokenhearted; in short, to do the things that He
did? Please prayerfully consider this.
1 Corinthians
Whether therefore ye eat, or
or whatsoever ye do, do all
to the glory of God.

Photos, graphics
and background by Mary Stephens
vintage graphics: unknown
Updated Dec. 2022
Original afghan made by my sister.