No Doctrines Are Changed?
by Will Kinney
[Edited. Used under permission granted to my dad, Stephen Van Nattan.]
I often hear those who criticize the King James
Bible and defend the multiple modern versions say: "Well, no doctrines
are changed in the different versions." But is this true?
There are presently well over 100 different
English bible versions available to the general public and none of them
agrees with the others in both text and meaning in hundreds of verses.
This is easily proved and well noted by many atheist, Muslim and Bible
basher sites on the internet.
Which of these different bibles is really the
inspired, inerrant words of God? Or have the complete, pure, inerrant
words of God been lost in the shuffle and God has failed to preserve His
words as He promised? Is it true that "no doctrines are changed" in the
various conflicting versions?
Some Christians say, "Well, only the originals
were inspired." Since we don't have any of the originals and nobody
knows what they really said, how can we then say the Bible is the
inspired word of God? Shouldn't we say the bible WAS the inspired word
of God?
I and thousands of other Christians believe God
has kept His promises to preserve His words and He has done so in the
King James Holy Bible. In general terms the overall state of textual
evidence and ancient versions is overwhelmingly on the side of the King
James Bible readings as opposed to such versions as the NASB, NIV, RSV,
ESV, and ISV.
However, one can argue back and forth over the
textual evidence till you are either blue or red in the face, and prove
nothing. For me and many other Bible believers, we clearly see the
Providential hand of God placing His divine approval upon the King James
Bible that has been universally recognized as THE BIBLE of the English
speaking world for almost 400 years.
One of the clear and convincing proofs that the
King James Bible is the complete, inerrant, and pure words of God is the
purity and truth of its Christ exalting doctrines.
Proverbs 14:5 tells
us: "A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter
lies." There are many lies found in the new bible versions and it is the
accumulation of such lies that reveal them to be false witnesses to the
whole truth of God.
Modern versionists say they are examining the
evidence to come up with the best text to restore the words of God. The
problem with this is, the new versions continue to disagree with each
other in both texts and meaning in a multitude of places. I believe God
has already gone through this process using the men He chose to bring
forth the King James Bible. If God has already done this in order to
preserve His words and carry out the great modern missionary movement
from the late 1700's to the mid 1900's, there is no need to do it again,
unless He decides to put His complete words into another language other
than English.
Some speak of the same General Message being
found in all "reliable" versions. True, the simple gospel can be found
in them all. Yet in all of them we also find contradictions concerning
the basic truths of the character of God and other unsound doctrines.
The "Any Bible Will Do" position leads to
uncertainty, doubt and unbelief. There are a multitude of contradictory
versions, with several whole verses being found in some that are not in
others. Seventeen entire verses, and about half of another 50 are
omitted from the New Testament in the NIV, NASB, and even more in the
RSV, ESV when compared to the King James Bible, Tyndale, Bishop's,
Geneva, Webster's, the NKJV, and the Third Millenium Bible.
the examples in the following list, except
Luke 2:22, are not the
result of different Greek and Hebrew texts being used, as is often the
case, but rather of different ways the same underlying texts have been
translated into English...
[As Pilate asked Jesus, "What
is truth?" (John
...Does the true Lord Jesus Christ have "ORIGINS
from ancient times" as taught in
Micah 5:2 by the NIV, RSV, ESV, and
Jehovah Witness New World Translation, or were His "goings forth...from
everlasting" as the King James Bible, NKJV, NASB have it? One rendering
teaches His eternality, while the other says He has an origin or a
Is the Jesus Christ in your Bible the one who
lied in John 7:8 as the NASB and ESV read? The King James Bible, NIV,
RV, ASV and NKJV have Jesus saying: "Go ye up unto this feast: I go NOT
UP YET unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come". Then in verse
10 "But when his brethren were gone up, then went he also up unto the
feast, not openly, but as it were in secret." However the NASB, ESV have
Jesus saying: "I do NOT GO up to this feast... But when His brothers had
gone up to the feast, then He Himself also went up".
Did the Lord Jesus Christ need a blood sacrifice
to be cleansed from sin in Luke 2:22 as the NASB, ESV, NIV teach? These
versions read: "when the days for THEIR purification according to the
law of Moses were offer a sacrifice", as opposed to the
King James Bible, the NKJV, Bishop's Bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599,
Webster's 1833 translation, and the Third Millenium Bible which have
"when the days of HER purification according to the law of Moses were offer a sacrifice". Wycliffe's 1395 translation says
"the days of the purification of Mary". The only Old Testament reference
for this sin offering to make an atonement is found in
Leviticus 12:6-8
where the woman alone offered a sin offering for her purification.
Can God be deceived as the NASB teaches in
78:36? The NASB says the children of Israel DECEIVED GOD with their
mouths, but the NKJV, KJB, NIV, RV, ASV, ESV all say they "flattered"
God with their mouths and lied unto Him. You can flatter God by saying
nice things about Him but not obeying Him, but you certainly cannot
deceive God.
Is the Lord Jesus Christ the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of
God BEFORE His incarnation? The NIV never refers to Christ as "the only
begotten Son". Christ was the only begotten Son from all eternity, but
not in the NIV.
The NIV, ISV, and Holman Standard pervert true
doctrine in Acts 13:33 where the Bible speaks of the resurrection of
Christ. He was quickened from the dead and raised again to life to
become "the first begotten of the dead" (Revelation 1:5), and "the
firstborn from the dead" (Colossians 1:18).
In Psalm 2 and
Acts 13:33 God says and ALL GREEK
TEXTS read: "God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that
he hath raised up Jesus AGAIN: as it is also written in the second
Psalm, Thou art my Son, THIS DAY HAVE I BEGOTTEN THEE." This is the
reading found in the RV, ASV, RSV, NRSV, ESV, NASB, NKJV. The specific
Day that Christ was begotten from the dead was that first Easter
morning. However the NIV, and now the new ISV (International Standard
Version) and the upcoming Holman Christian Standard Version actually say
The NIV, ISV, and Holman version here teach that
there was a time when God was not the Father of Christ. This is also the
reading of the Jehovah witness version, the New World translation, and
they use this verse and Micah 5:2, which also reads the same in their
version as does the NIV, to prove that Jesus Christ is a created being
and not from everlasting...
2 Peter 3:12 the King James Bible, Tyndale,
Geneva and others correctly say we are "looking for and HASTING UNTO the
coming of the day of God". The date is already fixed in God's timetable
and nothing we can do will make it come any faster. It is we who in our
fleeting lives are fast moving towards that day. However the NKJV, NIV,
NASB all teach that we can "speed" or "hasten" the coming of the day of
God. This contradicts numerous other Scriptures and is a false doctrine.
Who rules or is in control of this world, God or
In I John 5:19 the King James Bible along with
the Tyndale 1525, Bishop's Bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599, Young's,
the Spanish Reina Valera of 1602, and 1909 (y todo el mundo est puesto
en maldad), Lamsa's translation of the Peshitta, Webster's 1833
translation, the Douay-Rheims 1950, the KJV 21st Century version,
Green's literal translation and Green's Modern KJV, and the Third
Millenium Bible all say: "And we know that we are of God, and THE WHOLE
Miles Coverdale's 1535 translation says: "We know
that we are of God, and the whole world is set altogether in
We live in a fallen world; it lies in sin and
wickedness, just as the text says. But God is still in control and
ruling over all His creation. "He worketh all things after the counsel
of his own will" Ephesians 1:11.
Daniel 4:17,25,
26 tell us three times
that "the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to
whomsoever he will." Even though it may appear that wickedness is
winning, the eye of faith sees His sovereignty and rejoices in this
However, believe it or not, many new versions
change the truth of God's sovereign rule and would have us believe that
Satan is the ruler of this world and is in control. In fact, they come
right out and say it in these exact words.
The NIV says: "The whole world is UNDER THE
NASB " the whole world lies in the power of the
evil one."
Today's English Version "the whole world is under
the rule of the Evil One."
ESV (English Standard Version) "the whole world
lies in the power of the evil one."
Living Bible 1981 "the world around us is under
Satan's power and control."
ISV (International Standard Version) "the whole
world lies under the control of the evil one."
The NKJV, and the Holman Christian Standard Bible
try to strike a medium with : " the whole world lies under the sway of
the wicked one" but the NKJV as well as the NASB are also wrong when
three times they refer to Satan as the "ruler of this world" in
12:31; 14:30, and
16:11. Satan is NOT the ruler of this world. He is the
spiritual "prince of this world", as the KJB, RV, ASV, Tyndale, Geneva,
and even the NIV correctly say, but there are also other spiritual
"princes" or beings working among the nations, and all of them are under
the control of God and not Satan.
What is the fine linen, clean and white?
Our only hope of righteousness before God is to
be clothed with the imputed righteousness of Christ.
Revelation 19:8
speaks of the church of God, the wife of the Lamb being arrayed in fine
linen, clean and white. "for the FINE LINEN IS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF
Versions that read like the King James Bible are
Tyndale's New Testament of 1534, Miles Coverdale 1535, Bishop's Bible
1568, the Geneva Bible of 1599, John Wesley's 1755 translation, Greenï's
interlinear, Webster's translation of 1833, the Spanish Reina Valera of
1909, the Bible in Basic English 1970, Lamsa's translation of the Syriac
Peshitta, the Third Millenium Bible, the 21st Century KJV, and even the
modern paraphrase called The Message.
But the NKJV, NASB, ESV, ISV, Holman Christian
Standard Bible, and the NIV have, "the fine linen is the RIGHTEOUS ACTS
of the saints." (or "the righteous deeds of God's people") If our
righteous acts are going to make up our wedding dress, it will be pretty
soiled and tattered. At the very least, you have to admit that not all
these versions teach the same thing here. So, which one is true?
Matthew Henry notes: "You have here a description
of the bride, how she appeared in fine linen, clean and white, which is
the righteousness of saints; in the robes of Christ's righteousness...
She had washed her robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb;
and these her nuptial ornaments she did not purchase by any price of her
own, but received them as the gift and grant of her blessed Lord."
John Gill comments: "for the fine linen is the
righteousness of saints, not good works, or their own righteousness;...
these are not comparable to fine linen, clean and white, but are like
filthy rags, and cannot justify in the sight of God; but the
righteousness of Christ is meant, and justification by that; for that is
the only justifying righteousness of the saints.
"Christ's righteousness may be compared to fine
linen, clean and white... all the Lord's people will be righteous, they
will have on the best robe, and wedding garment, and their being arrayed
with it will be owing to the grace of Christ, who grants it. Not only
the garment is a gift of grace, but the putting of it on is a grant from
Christ, and what he himself does, (Isaiah 61:10) (Zechariah 3:4)."
1 Corinthians 8:4 "we know that an idol is
nothing in the world" [KJV] - this is the meaning found in the Geneva
Bible, Holman Christian Standard, Darby, NIV, NKJV, and even the Douay
version too. However the NASB says: "there is no such thing as an idol
in the world". No idols in the world, huh?
Is Judah faithful to God as the KJB, RSV, ESV,
NKJV teach - "but Judah yet ruleth with God and is faithful with the
saints" or "Judah is UNRULY with God, even AGAINST the Holy One who is
faithful" as the NASB, NIV teach in
Hosea 11:12?
These are just a few of the problems you have if
you think God is the one directing the modern versionists. This God
seems more than a little confused and muddled in his thinking. He can't
seem to make up his mind as to what he said or meant.
If you think all these modern versions are from
God, you have no sure words and your case is getting worse all the time
as new versions continue to roll off the presses which in turn
contradict the previous ones.
Isn't there something written in the Bible that
tells us of the falling away from the faith in the last days? Has Satan
changed his hateful opposition and corrupting influence toward the words
of God? Has man "evolved" to a higher state in these latter days to
where he can now think more clearly?
If the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ is
found only in the Bible, and this "bible" contains contradictions, false
information, completely different meanings in hundreds of places, verses
found in some but not in others, then how do we know the gospel of which
it speaks is true?
Titus 1:1-2
Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of
the truth which is after godliness; In hope of eternal life,
which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; |
If God hasn't kept His promises to preserve His
words, then how do you know God will keep His promise to preserve your
soul? When does God start telling the truth?
Do you still think that "no doctrines are
changed" in the various versions? Is the Bible the inspired, inerrant
words of God? If so, what exactly are you referring to when you say
this? Some mystical bible that exists in your own mind, or a solid Book
we can hold in our hands, read, believe and preach to a lost world?

Editor's Note: Yes, we do believe we have a
preserved Bible! In the English language it is the King James
Authorized Version.



Graphics and photos by Mary E. Stephens.
Posted 2022