Poems of Martha Snell
You ask how you learn to trust Him?
Dear child, you must just let go!
Let go of your frantic worry,
And the fears which plague you so;
Let go of each black
Which you try to live today;
Let go of your fevered planning,
He knoweth all your way.
Fear not lest your
slipping fingers
Let go of your Savior too, --
Trusting is only knowing
He’ll not let go of you!
Martha Snell Nicholson
Matthew 6:34
therefore no thought for the morrow:
for the morrow shall take thought for the
things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day
is the evil
John 10:28-29
And I
give unto them eternal life;
and they shall never perish, neither shall
any man
them out of my hand. My Father, which gave
is greater than all; and no
man is able
to pluck
out of my Father's hand.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all
thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

background and graphics by Mary Stephens
vintage graphics: unknown source
2024; CA