Isaiah 1:18 ![]()
Luke 4:18
If abortion is a "right" to be proud of and that all women should
have, then why is there so much shame and silence on the subject?
The Gospel ...that ye may know that ye
have eternal life... Anti-Abortion Laws that Can Kill NEW Forgiven - Yes, you can be forgiven! Depression - What Saith the Scriptures? God still loves you -Poems of Comfort -A Secret Sorrow - by Mary E. Stephens God's Thoughts and Mine - by Annie Johnson Flint I Have Set the Lord - by Annie Johnson Flint
Other Thoughts and StudiesDifficult Thoughts on Abortion and Child Abuse
Links: Disclaimer on some content and translations other than the King James Bible. Note: Some of these videos or items are made by people who's theology, practice or beliefs we do not agree with, but the message illustrates the point or idea that I am trying to make. Let the viewer/reader beware. Please consider all things in the context of scripture. Warning: I do not recommend reading comments posted by other readers of these sites as they are often profane and blasphemous. ------------------------- This is probably the single most important link you
can view here. Sisters (and brothers), if God can forgive a woman
who killed literally thousands of babies and transform her life, and He
did, then you can be forgiven too for taking your baby's life.
Carol Everett has also said that her goal was to encourage and trick
girls into getting pregnant so that she could offer abortions and make
money! This is not "freedom of choice". This is using
women/girls like heifers to produce "unwanted pregnancies" in order to
profit from their "choice" to have an abortion. The corruption of
such methods in beyond words. The babies
and the mothers were her victims in a vicious money-making
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money
is the root of all evil... ------------------------- What your baby might have looked like - The story of Walter Joshua Fretz, born at 19 weeks. There are ladies who had abortions who never knew what their baby might have looked like. These photos of Walter who was born alive and perfectly formed at such an early age might answer some questions for you. Note: Some people may find the photos disturbing. The author and mother of Walter suggest previewing them before showing them to children. Abortion After Effects - Post Abortion Syndrome - Depressed, suicidal, afraid, hallucinating, etc. This clip also deals with the fact that many of these women, at the time they had their abortions, felt that they had NO CHOICE. This is important to note because we are so bombarded with the ideology that says "Pro-choice" allows a woman to make the choice whether to have her baby or not. These women/girls felt like they had no choice! It was forced upon them by those whom they thought they could trust. WARNING - This video contains some slightly gruesome footage, though sadly not by most people's standards today. A Christian Having An Abortion? - Yes, it can happen, but God is still able to forgive. God's grace is bigger than our deepest sinning. You can't surprise God. He knows everything that you will ever do. He already knew you were going to commit that sin, and He already paid for it in Jesus Christ. This is not license to sin, but it is comfort to know that "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 Post Abortion Syndrome - They won't tell you the risk of post abortion syndrome. Many, many women have had abortions. You are not alone and there is hope and healing through Jesus Christ. Blood Money excerpt - Another video with some excerpts from the same video at the top of the list. More details. This former abortionist is very open and clear in telling the ugly truth. WARNING - gruesome details described in regard to abortions gone bad. These stories seldom get out because of the shame factor and the cover ups, as Carol Everett explains. Redeeming the Time After Repentance How One Woman Saved A Baby from Abortion - Yes, you can make a difference! You can help someone else not to make the mistake that you made. You can be a loving part of their life.
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and background by May E. Stephens
vintage graphic: unknown
Created July 2011
updated Oct. 2022