"According to the Power"

If our scanty measure were used,
How poor were the gifts of the Lord;
If our cups of thought and our pitchers of prayer
Were all that His love could afford.

But - above all our stammering tongues
Can voice of our deepest desire,
Abundant above all the pitiful good
To which our small minds can aspire;

Exceeding abundant above
The reach of our groveling thought;
So great is the fullness of knowledge and grace
His power to usward hath wrought.

Annie Johnson Flint

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do
exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him
be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all
ages, world without end. Amen.

Editorial comment from my dad -- Steve Van Nattan:

One day, some years back, I was talking to a pastor
friend, telling him that my life was quite good and that
God had provided me a good vocation selling on
the Internet, and I had a journal on the Internet which
was being used of God to bear fruit in readers' lives.
But, I felt like I had left the vocation of a pastor and
that I was almost having too much fun not being a
pastor anymore.

My pastor friend responded,
"What's wrong, is God treating you too good?"

There is a lot of preaching these days by Fundamental
Bible believing preachers to the effect that if the saint
is not suffering and miserable from serving God, he
is not right with God. Serving God should be, as
Annie Johnson Flint said, great and full of the
knowledge of God.

If you are not feeling guilt, and you are not suffering
in some way right now, my friend, it may be that
your Father has decided to just load you up
with blessings for a while.

Thank him, and ENJOY!

Also, please just ignore the preacher who keeps trying
to rob you of your joy with his wretched altar calls.
Those men are masters of assigning guilt to joyful saints.



graphics and background by Mary Stephens
updated 2019