Challenge Number One:
Spend Less, Don't Buy Stuff, Plan Ahead
Luke 12:15
And he said unto them,
Take heed,
and beware of
for a man's life
consisteth not in the abundance
of the things which he possesseth.
If you have not read
the first
page of this challenge,
you might wish to do so.

by Mary E. Stephens
Get out of the great American
spending game. Determine to buy fewer gifts, less expensive
gifts, or to make homemade ones. In the future, plan ahead so that
you aren't compelled to buy in a hurried environment.
I grew up reading quite a few books
about people who had to make do with what they had. Many were
fiction stories, but I grew to admire the ingenuity and
resourcefulness of those characters who could take a little and make
it into something. They were often portrayed as making their
own gifts or saving and buying carefully and purposefully. Considering the present state of global economics it seems like
this would be a good time to dig up those old virtues (ingenuity and
resourcefulness) and put them to use again. I admit that I
need to work on this more in other areas. We have become too
accustomed to buying things we "need" instead of making do or even
doing without.
So, here are some options to choose
from or to mix and match. This could be a quite interesting
and even fun challenge if you have the right attitude! :-)
Homemade gifts. There are
literally millions of instructions for handmade items on the
internet now. (No internet at home? Check the local
library for books or use their computers.) Try to use what
you already have available to make the gifts too. Consider
your stash of "extras," craft items, fabric, etc. and then go from there.
Giving something you made yourself can be very rewarding, even for
kids. One word of advice - set a budget and try to work
within what you have already and what is cheap. Homemade is not always cheaper! You can spend as
much (or more) on homemade gifts as you would on store bought gifts if you let yourself.
- Homemade food items are a nice option, especially
if you don't have a lot of craft things to work with. Keep
in mind if you do this that baked goods will probably be the
most economical use of ingredients. If
you do your own home canning, plan to do some extra
batches of things like jelly, jam, spaghetti sauce, pickles,
etc. to use as gifts. Be sure to make smaller size jars
for the couples and singles. Jar mixes are also a nice
option and require no canning, baking or cooking. And, on the plus side, even
those folks who might not appreciate a homemade gift are going
to have to be pretty hard hearted to turn up their noses at their
favorite cookies or vinaigrette. (By the way - those with
special dietary needs are always appreciative to have something
special that they didn't have to buy or make themselves. Find recipes that will work well for them and give them
something worthwhile.) - Also, let your children make the gifts, decorate the cookies,
make the greeting cards, etc. (I made all our Christmas cards one year
when my family was still celebrating
with a
Spirotot and some colored pens and pencils.) Find crafts that they can help with, especially adding their own
unique kid flair. Cheap frames from Wal-mart, or even
second hand stores, can be filled with paintings, photos,
collages, pressed flowers or leaves, scriptures verses printed
out and decorated by hand, etc. -
Make your cards gifts. A beautiful, homemade greeting card
can be a gift in itself if it is lovely enough to frame or to display
on a shelf or desk. Think of ways you could do this -
especially with recycled objects. 3D cards can even be wrapped
or mailed in boxes instead of put in envelopes.
the Mexican motto "Cheap, pretty and good"
for your shopping this year. And, don't be afraid to give
up-cycled or "new-used" gifts. (See my article:
Modest Proposal: Rethinking Gift-giving In the New Year)
Buy intentionally. Don't
get caught up with the piles of "cool things" in stores, or by
some item that is just "too good" or "too cute" to pass up. Don't
let the trendy stuff and fad items become necessities - to you
or your kids. (Parents, kids learn
from you. If you act like the trends and fads are ridiculous and
foolish, the kids will be less drawn to them. If you get all
mushy and covetous over the trends and fads, they will too.
That's how it usually works.) Make a list of specific
items or general types of gifts for
each person on your list, and then STICK TO IT! It is so
easy to walk through a store and see something and think, "Oh,
Mom would love this," or "I just have to get this for _______"
and totally forget that you already have something perfectly
for them. Don't do it. Make your
list, and stay with it. Make sure you carry it and
carefully mark
off the items that you get, or mark off the people
for whom you have already gotten gifts. You
can do it!
[Note: The only time to deviate from this is if something comes
up that they really and truly need or would contribute
substantially to their life goals - something that you had not
thought you could afford of hadn't thought of. For example, if
your child has longed to learn to play the violin and someone
offers you one as a gift or at an especially good price - AND
you were already considering buying one eventually and have
plans and money for lessons - then you would probably be wise in
getting it. But, you can save whatever other gift you got them
for another occasion rather than loading them up excessively, if
you catch my line of thinking.]
Shorten your list.
:-) Change your attitude toward giving gifts (and
receiving them). You really don't have to spend all that money
on peripherals. Please read this Living On A Dime post:
Gift Giving - A Different
Purchase or make "one-size-fits-all" gifts. Teddy bears for $5? Every kid on your list gets one. A chocolate candy bar
or small box of chocolates for every lady who eats chocolate. This might
not work for sweatshirts, etc. or for certain individuals, but you get the
idea. (And, remember, if you read the article linked in
No. 4 - let them know all year that you appreciate them and they won't
need an $80
gift to prove it! If someone does think they need an expensive
gift from you to "prove" you love and appreciation them,
you need to honestly
tell yourself that that is a person who expects you to buy their
love and you shouldn't be wasting too much of your time and hard
earned cash on them if you can avoid it. If it's one of your own
children you need to do some prayerful training and teaching.
Just sayin'...)
Ditch the holiday shopping. Next year buy ahead! Yes, you can. (As my Gramma would say,
"'I can't' never could do anything.") I just read a
comment recently by a lady who got all her daughter's gifts at
sales and on clearance throughout the year and they didn't need
to do any Christmas shopping. Imagine that! Yes!
[Of course, for those of us who don't celebrate at all, this is
not an issue. I don't miss it. :-) But, even though we
don't have Christmas shopping to do, I can still be affected by
the "buying frenzy" feeling in the stores sometimes Consequently, I
know full well that many of you are too.)
gift wrap, bags and ribbon on sale. Reuse as much
as possible. It was a common question in my family when I
was growing up - "Are we saving the paper?" Some people
may laugh, but reusing it does make a
difference, especially from large gifts or when you use the more expensive kinds. You could go a step farther and skip the
wrapping paper altogether. My brother put a gift in a
pillow case once. :-) Be creative! Find
interesting things around your house to use for wrapping the
gifts for your own family. Make it a game and it might
even stick! Another clever idea is to hide the gifts
around the house and make it a treasure hunt - another good
alternative to wrapping. Just make sure things are clearly
tagged as to who gets them. Gift bags are probably the most
easily reused form of wrapping now.
Basically what I'm saying here is to get back to the old fashioned
ways of preparing for the holiday.
Stop taking out loans to
buy Christmas gifts, if you enough
to do that. ;-) If you don't have money to spend, why borrow
for that? It just doesn't make any sense - or
I remember a friend once telling me that one of her babysitting customers took out a
$500 loan for each of her kids to buy Christmas gifts for
them!No kid needs $500 worth of gifts for Christmas. Really and truly. (Oh, and one of these little girls didn't even own enough socks,
while the mother drove a sports car. Hello?) You cannot expect to teach your kids
self-denial and humility when you do things like that. And,
all the happy screams in the world are not worth the spoiling which
that kind of over-indulgence can cause. Just sayin'...
[Personally, I'm inclined to think that a little disappointment now
and then does kids good, because that is how life is. We don't
always get everything we want, and the sooner we learn to accept
that, the sooner we can learn to be content.
Philippians 4:11]
To tell the truth, I'm
inclined to think that there is much of this that goes on
more as a selfish act of the parents than a true love for the kids. It feels good to think that your kids are extremely happy with you,
at least for a few hours a year. And, for those who are
foolish enough to lie to their kids and tell them Santa brought all
those cool gifts, well, that's just beyond belief. The delightful happy faces
and screams that are caused by a lie cannot be honoring to
Jesus Christ.
Some might
wonder if their kids won't feel bad and deprived with this method of
giving. If you make it a family project, and make it a family
purpose to start changing your attitudes all of the time about the
abundance of
things, you might
be surprised how they respond. Oh, kids can be greedy and
covetous (just like adults) and some may whine about it and even
grump. But,
are you going to spend money you don't have or that you
need for something else on pampering them just because
they make a stink about it? That isn't even right, and what's
more it encourages selfishness, which is the opposite of what
Christianity is all about.
It seems that with the right kind of teaching and
instruction the children will realize the meaning of the thing (Prv. 22:6).
By the
way, parents and other family members,
you're going to have to be their example in this. :-) I'm sorry to say that family and friends too often will try to make you and your kids feel
bad. My family has seen this happen! People don't like
to be preached to about their excesses, even if it's only by our
example. So, the grit of the challenge will probably come in
1 Peter 4:3-5 For the time
past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of
the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of
wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same
excess of riot, speaking evil of you: Who shall give
account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.
Links on this site or on my blog:
A Great Way to Save Money
- Here is a blog post I put up awhile back that will lead you
to a good reminder on another lady's page. :-)
Disclaimer on translations other than the
and some content.
16 Fantastic Ways to Buy Thrift Store Christmas Gifts (These
work for birthdays too.)
34 Homemade gifts
Homemade gifts made easy
How to Make A Pot Holder In Minutes (Fabric stashers, take
note! And, by the way, you can use a couple tired wash clothes
or cheap dollar store new ones as the batting for hot pads - just
make sure they're thick enough and are 100% cotton. You don't have to buy the expensive heat resistant stuff.)

and background by Mary E. Stephens
Created Dec. 2011
updated Nov. 2022
vintage graphics: source unknowns