Experts - Lifesavers from A Sinking Ship
Question #7
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What kind of music do they use or produce? |
Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. 2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. 3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. The kind of music experts use is very telling. When someone that claims to be a Bible believer starts using fleshly, carnal music - look out. If they have not started going downhill yet they will shortly. Sometimes the music is the first indication that something is wrong. When someone is still separating more unto the word of God, they may have some lousy music still hanging around which they have not yet given up. But, when they go from a more God-honoring type of music to a more worldly style we can know that something is wrong. Sometimes we need to stand back to see where the thing is going and whether it will be corrected. If it is not corrected it is an obvious indication that there is trouble and it is time to move on. Remember the example of Joshua Harris and his wife, Shannon, with their sexy, rock music? It should not really be a surprise to anyone that was paying attention. After all, Rebecca St. James; the CCM star who played the harlot"Maggie" in the blasphemous rock opera, "Hero!"; wrote the foreword for Harris' most famous book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye. As Carl Helgerson used to say, "When you start out buttoning your shirt wrong at the top, it will be wrong all the way down." Worldly music is a crummy life preserver that makes the flesh feel like it is getting something when the spirit is not. Worldly music does not meet the real need. It is used to pad presentations and fill empty space with "feel-good" fluff and stuff. It's a great way for experts to scratch ears and keep the masses coming back for more. Music can be used to create atmosphere. It will set the tone for what is to follow in a meeting or presentation. Sad to say, many experts have given way to using rock-type music for the introductions for their videos. This gives the impression that something hard hitting and important is coming. Undoubtedly this was picked up from the world in their news broadcasts and those type programs. When an expert uses or produces music that appeals to the flesh, beware! People that find it necessary to appeal to the flesh, or who themselves are gratified by fleshly music will more than likely be messed up in some other area as well. We cannot feed the flesh and walk in the Spirit at the same time. Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (Some unscrupulous experts know this, and so part of their deception is in using godly music.) Example: The Hyles crowd used to be known for more conservative music, yet my sister has heard music from groups associated with them that is nothing less than "early CCM." When you start living in the flesh and glorying in it, the flesh will demand the kind of music that gratifies and arouses it. We hear all kinds of weird music in association with people professing godliness. Why do we hear of Southern Gospel in churches that should know better, and perhaps once did? Why do men at a independent Baptist pastors' meeting holler and yell louder for a sexy-voiced woman soloist than they do for the preacher? Why do we have to hear in Bible believing churches singing washed out songs that are written and loved by Laodiceans? Why do once-sound churches bring in drums and "light CCM" music? Why do we hear good preachers like James Knox singing hippy/protest type music with Christian words? (Someone says, "What! James Knox?! How dare you use him as an example like that!" Well, how dare he use my Lord's name in music that sounds like the worldling rebels of the 60s and 70s? There is only One above reproach - the Lord Jesus Christ. All others must be examined with scripture. Remember this is not an effort to make monsters out of people, this is an effort help you discern, Ezk. 44:23) As the church becomes more Laodicean, the appetites of the fleshly crowd must be gratified more and more to keep the numbers up. Music is not only a touchy subject, it is also one in which there is much carelessness, neglect, and ignorance; sometimes it is willful ignorance. Music in not always a final verdict. As mentioned already, there are people that have not separated far enough yet in that area. It is mostly an indicator. The choice in music is usually an indication of a deeper problem. It usually is not the original problem. Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. It is like the light in the dashboard of a car (automobile) which indicates that something is wrong in the engine. Occasionally the light is a poor indicator, failing to work when it should, or working when there is not a real problem. So with the music. A few people that are walking contrary to scripture may have good music. Some that really seem to love and follow the Lord may have questionable music. When the light comes on, look for the problem and proceed with caution.