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Not the Author of Confusion Hi, Let me introduce myself - my name is Rebecca M____. My husband and I have been married for just over a year now. He was saved when he was around 6 years old. And I was saved about 5 years ago. When we met I was working in the computer field in a very lucrative position. Well, as we planned our budget for our marriage we decided that all I was making would just go into building rainy day savings \ house fund. The plan looked really good on paper. We had been married about 8 months and our marriage was chaos! And nothing that is run in chaos could possibly please the Lord. We were coming and going at different times. When we did see each other we were either too tired to really enjoy one another or we had a thousand household chores to do. But to our chagrin, we had come to rely on my income. We did not see how we could possible pay rent, 2 car payments, and all our other bills. We kept telling God we couldn't afford for me to quit and be in the place He told me to be in. But the more we resisted the worse it got! So we decided that I would quit and we would sell my car. It would pay off both car loans. We still did not know how we were going to pay for the rest, but we were to the point of conviction that we knew that the Lord would work it out. I posted my ad for my car and within an *hour* we had an offer. It was the exact amount that we needed to get rid of the debt of our car loans! But we still needed the Lord to pay the rest of the bills. He gave my husband a better paying job with great benefits just a couple of months after I quit. And the Lord has been taking care of us ever since. We are on our way to buying a house out in the country so we can put our family in a more sheltered environment. I love it that we cannot put God in a box! Rebecca M. 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. [Editor's note: Once again we see that the issue is not that a woman has children and must then stay home. God obviously wanted this lady home before she had children, and He made sure they were miserable until they obeyed. And who would have thought it was so important to God for a husband and wife to enjoy each other? Do you think God put Song of Solomon in the Bible just to fill space? I trow not. And, by the way, Song of Solomon is not just a "picture of Christ and the church." I wonder if the overemphasis of that has partly contributed to the lack of really loving behavior between men and their wives is some Bible believing circles.] Before They Call... ...A week before I was to return to my high-paying job as a cardio-lab technician, when my first child was six months old, my husband took a leap of faith and allowed me to quit (I had been asking for his permission since the birth). A week later, God provided him with an unexpected promotion (the personnel department of his company phoned the wrong Mr. Wilson, but suggested that since they had made the mistake, perhaps he should come for an interview anyway). Since then, we have had two more children, and are now expecting our fourth. In order to complement my husband's salary, I have started a small home business. I make and sell my own line of homemade soaps, bath products and baby products (all-natural diaper rash salve, baby bath, etc.). This has also drastically reduced our spending on gifts, and has also reduced our own spending on soaps, shampoos, etc. It works out to about $200 per month profit, which is nothing to sneeze at! Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. Real Treasure I'd be honored to add my testimony of what our wonderful Lord and Savior has done for our family. Like previous testimonies, I too, worked outside the home for the first 5 years of our marriage. One of the problems that it caused that I didn't realize at the time, was a lack of submission. It is very difficult going from an "important position" in a major computer company where I had to be outspoken all day, to being a submissive, nonassertive wife in the evening. We had both agreed *before* we married that I would stay home with the children as soon as we had them. When we had our first child, I quit my job. Like another lady said, "they all told me I'd be back." They also all told me that my children would run amuck like most children do now-a-days...discipline problems and all. Through God's help, my husband has supported the now four of us on one income. I home school my children. God has so richly blessed our lives with all the REAL treasures...the treasures from Heaven. He has also given us a beautiful home. The butting of heads because of my lack of submission has long gone, and we are both much, much happier. You know what? All that "advice" I received when I left the workplace was wrong. It's been almost 10 years since I left the workforce. My children get compliments on their behavior all the time, they are almost 2 years above "normal" grade level in school, we are all quite happy, and I never did go back to work. You know what else? It's not like I'm not "in charge" of anything important. I am "in charge" of the day to day details of my children's education. I am in charge of keeping the house in order and running smoothly. I am in charge of stretching our budget as far as I can. I am in charge of making our house a home and haven for my husband and children. I have stewardship of the richest earthly treasures my Father in Heaven could have given me. I have time to study God's Word for several hours during the day, which I could not do if I worked. I have time to learn my children's personalities. I know the way they learn and I am the first to see all their major accomplishments. I have time to serve in women's ministries at church. What more could I ever desire? Truly God's way is the only way. A godly mentor and homeschooling mom gave me a Scripture before my first son was born that I have held close to my heart ever since. May it bless someone else too: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12 Beth M. Editor's Note: Dear lady reading this, what is important to you in life? Where is your treasure? Is it at the First National Bank? Is it your furniture, your computer, your clothes, your beautiful drapes or your nice car? Is it all the luxuries you could not "afford" if your family lived on your husband's income alone? You can take your children and husband to heaven with you if they are saved, but the treasures you lay up on this earth will not bring reward in heaven and have no lasting value in eternity. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Who are you striving to please? Your boss, your coworkers, yourself? In striving to please your husband and love your children as God commanded (Titus 2), you will please the Lord and this brings great reward. Speaking of God's word the Bible tells us, Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. Psalm 19:11 Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. I Love Homemaking... A few good reasons to go home. |
Please send your testimony of how God delivered you from the work place.
background and graphics by
Mary E. Stephens
update 2020