
It is better to lose with a conscience clean
Than to win by a trick unfair;
It is better to fail and know you've been ---
Whatever the price was --- square,
Than to claim the joy of the far-off goal
And the cheers of the standers-by,
And to know down deep in your inmost soul
A cheat you must live and die.

The prize seems far when the fight is on
But unless it is truly won,
You will hate the thing when the crowds are gone,
For it stands for a false deed done;
And it's far better you should never reach your goal
Than ever success to buy
At the price of knowing down deep in your soul
That your glory is all in a lie.

--- Author Unknown

Romans 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.


graphics and background by mary stephens