Myths About Suffering:
Better Than Jesus
By Mary Stephens
March 2018
Hebrews 5:8-9 Though he were a Son, yet learned
he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he
became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Suffering is a subject that holds a lot of
fascination for mankind. Since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden
one of the things that has defined the human condition on many levels
has been suffering. Modern medical solutions have helped in many ways to
reduce certain types of suffering, or to at least mask the affects so
that we don't notice them so much. But, in the not-so-distant past
people endured some dreadful things in the way of pain, illness,
quarantine, torture, and other things. Death was often times much harder than it
is now, and even yet it is often enough quite dreadful.
One peculiarity of this is that a certain element
of self-righteousness arises in some Christians around the subject of
suffering. The greater the suffering, the more impressed some are, and
the more they think they (or some other sufferer) has benefitted
spiritually. The reality is that this may or may not be true. Sometimes
those who have thought they have grown into "spiritual giants" (not a
Bible term) through suffering have really only become self-righteous and self-important.
I think that one reason for this is found in
Romans 8:17-18: And if children, then heirs;
heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with
that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings
of this present time are
not worthy to be compared
with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
It seems like some people believe that the more
they suffer, the more glory they will have with Christ. Although the
text does not say this specifically, this has been assumed in some ways.
This type of thinking, regardless of the texts used (See also
Philippians 1:29), is one thing that has led some people to monasticism
and various forms of self-abuse. The people who do
those things in some instances believe that somehow as they inflict suffering upon
themselves, or allow others to do so, they are suffering with Christ and
earning later glory for themselves. In some cases they get the glory now
as others admire them for choosing self-inflicted suffering.
Those with less violent tastes and who truly
suffer from sickness or tribulations or persecution of various sorts may still have
this attitude, but without so much of the self-inflicted aspect
(although that can still enter into it at times).
One very serious problem that can occur is that of thinking that
we have attained or can attain more
patience in suffering than Jesus Christ Himself - that somehow, through
and in suffering, we can behave in a more holy manner than the Son of
God. I think most would probably say that is not what they are thinking,
but the way it is discussed sometimes shows a different picture, whether
they (or we) know it or not.
There are probably a lot of examples that I could
use here, but for the present I will only touch on two. Perhaps we will
address others later. Both of the examples I have in mind relate to the
crucifixion and so they seem appropriate as we ponder the death,
burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as we approach
Resurrection Sunday right now (March 2018).
The first one is the idea that it is a sin to ask
God, "Why?"
I have heard this, and at one time I believed it
myself. The basic concept is that no matter what difficult situation or
suffering one is going through, one must never question God in a "why"
sort of way.
My brother, Mike, and I were going through some
tough times in our lives when we were young adults. We were talking on
the phone one evening having a pretty intense conversation about it when Mike
told me that it was not a sin to ask God why because Jesus asked God why
on the cross.
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus
cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to
say, My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?
I think it kind of blew my mind. I had never thought of
it that way, but it was true.
Mike went on to point out that it is the spirit
in which we ask "why?" that matters. An angry, rebellious spirit
would make it sin, but a humble,
hurting spirit would not. Jesus cried with a loud voice. He was not
complacent in His question. But, He was also not rebellious or sinful.
When we say that asking God "why?" during
suffering is sin, in essence we are saying that we need to be better
than Jesus Christ. We are also calling Jesus a sinner.
Do you see what I mean? By exalting patience in
suffering unbiblically it can enter into what is really a blasphemous
More Perfect than Christ?
In the past the book Streams In the Desert
by Lottie Cowman (Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)
has been recommended to me. I ran across something from that book
awhile back and later I found a place online where it is being posted.
Mrs. Cowman wrote and compiled this book during a time when she was
watching her husband go through great suffering. But, I'm afraid that
skewed her view of suffering, which is understandable from a human point
of view. This
particular excerpt titled
"Perfection In Suffering" is very disturbing to me. Let's take a
"'The Lord will
perfect that which concerneth me.' (Ps. 138:8).
"There is a Divine mystery in suffering, a
strange and supernatural power in it, which has never been fathomed by
the human reason."
To start with we already see the mystical aspect
of suffering being set forth here. Suffering is certainly a mystery at
times, but a strange supernatural power? What does that mean? There are
people who have suffered greatly with no supernatural "power" being
added to them or changing them for good.
To continue.
"There never has been known great
saintliness of soul which did not pass through great suffering."
Stephen Hawking recently passed into his
tragic eternity after spending a long life of suffering which never
brought him any nearer to God, showed any supernatural power, or produced any saintliness of soul in
him. Maybe I'm straining at a gnat, but I do think the author ought to have made it clear that mere human suffering
apart from God is not what
makes the difference. It is suffering under the care of a loving, merciful, and Almighty God that makes the difference.
"When the suffering soul reaches a calm
sweet carelessness, when it can inwardly smile at its own suffering, and
does not even ask God to deliver it from suffering, then it has wrought
its blessed ministry; then patience has its perfect work; then the
crucifixion begins to weave itself into a crown."
Here we can see the allusion of suffering being
transformed into glory for the sufferer. The pride and
self-righteousness begin to show at this point.
I have heard people who would joke at their
sufferings. Sometimes it was obvious that they were trying to make light
of it because that was their way of dealing with it and helping those
around them to deal with it. Other times it was
really uncomfortable because it seemed like it was more of a cover for
bitterness of spirit.
One sweet lady I knew who had endured crippling
rheumatoid arthritis all her life lived with a cheerful
acceptance that was an inspiration to all who knew her. Still, I am sure
that she sometimes prayed for deliverance from certain aspects of her
suffering. To say that one would become so holy in suffering as to never
ask for deliverance in any way is absurd. Even the most godly and
righteous people still look with hopeful and eager eyes toward their heavenly
home, and more so as they look for release from deep suffering. It
grieves me that this unattainable standard for perfection in suffering
was held up for the measure of so many Christians, especially since it
is a standard to which Jesus Himself did not attain! We read no such
thing as Him "smiling at [His] own suffering" in scripture!
Read on!
"It is in this state of the perfection of
suffering that the Holy Spirit works many marvellous things in our
souls." [sic]
Does the Holy Spirit do marvelous works in our
souls through suffering? He can if we allow Him to.
"In such a condition, our whole being lies
perfectly still under the hand of God; every faculty of the mind and
will and heart are at last subdued; a quietness of eternity settles down
into the whole being; the tongue grows still, and has but few words to
say; it stops asking God questions; it stops crying, 'Why hast thou
forsaken me?'"
Dear friends, as pious and spiritual and godly as
am yelling - at least in spirit - because this is egregious* teaching!
Those words were spoken by our Saviour on the
cross as He was suffering for our sins. The implication that is
given here is that these are bad words, selfish words, words that people
who are "fully surrendered to God" (whatever that means - it isn't in
the Bible) would never say! AND YET - the very Son of God spoke those
words! There are no
words strong enough to describe the vileness of this. It is beyond
Yes, Mrs. Cowman said that we can
attain a state of BEING MORE HOLY THAN THE SON OF GOD! Do Not miss that.
Grab it with both hands and look at it in all its putridness. Because
that is what happens when we begin to glorify patience in suffering
beyond measure. That is what can happen when we exalt humans above what
we ought to because they (or we) have suffered greatly!
Romans 12:3 For I say,
through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to
think of himself
more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as
God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
"The imagination stops building air
castles, or running off on foolish lines; the reason is tame and gentle;
the choices are annihilated; it has no choice in anything but the
purpose of God. The affections are weaned from all creatures and all
things; it is so dead that nothing can hurt it, nothing can offend it,
nothing can hinder it, nothing can get in its way; for, let the
circumstances be what they may, it seeks only for God and His will, and
it feels assured that God is making everything in the universe, good or
bad, past or present, work together for its good.
While this section holds some elements of truth
as it stands alone without the previous load of bilge, there is still
somewhat that I want to point out here.
The phrase "the choices are annihilated" is
false. No matter how deep your suffering, no matter how yielded you are
to the purpose of God, you will always have choices to make. You cannot
reach such a state of spiritual perfection that you will cease to have
choices to make. Every day we live, every hour, there are choices we must
make - even in the depths of the deepest suffering it is a CHOICE to
keep your mind staid on Him.
Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt
keep him
in perfect peace, whose
mind is
stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is also not
something that just happens to us, otherwise we would not be commanded
to do so.
Ephesians 5:18 And be
not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
No, we can never reach a point where our choices
are all annihilated. Suffering is only sanctified if the person
suffering is living a sanctified life and that is a choice.
Furthermore, we are never called to wean our
affections from all things. The
affections of the flesh must be crucified with the flesh,
Galatians 5:24 - And they that are Christ's
have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. But we
are to have affection toward the saints (2 Corinthians 7:15) and we are
to "Set your affection on things above, not on
things on the earth." Colossians 3:2 To annihilate affections,
then, is disobedience to the word of God.
"Oh, the blessedness of being absolutely
conquered! of losing our own strength, and wisdom, and plans, and
desires, and being where every atom of our nature is like placid Galilee
under the omnipotent feet of our Jesus. –Soul Food"
As I mentioned above, being "surrendered" is not
mentioned in the King James Bible. Nope, not even in a strictly military
context. So what is blessed about being conquered?
This is a longish
passage, but because of the importance here, I'm going to use it all.
Romans 8:35-39 Who
shall separate us from the love of Christ?
tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or
peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the
day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these
things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am
persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor
depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the
love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We should be MORE than conquerors THROUGH JESUS
CHRIST. Yes, I know how hard it is to feel that when you're lying in a
bed unable to get up and even take a shower or go to the bathroom by
yourself, or when your mind is teetering on the edge insanity, or when
someone you love has done something horrible that you never anticipated.
I have been there. It's a hard place. But, being at peace and in complete acceptance of what
God is doing with your life in times of great suffering, whatever they
are, is not the same as being conquered by God. Jesus didn't come to
conquer us, He came to make us more than conquerors through Him! We are not called
to be empty and nothing, lying bleeding at His feet. We're called to be
saints - not Roman Catholic monks and nuns beating and berating
ourselves to increase our glory or reduce our sins, but saints that hold
forth the word of life (Philippians 2:16) and walk not after the flesh
but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1); saints that endure hardness as good
SOLDIERS of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3).
To conclude this little devotional, the author put
in a little more nonsense.
"The great thing is to suffer without being
discouraged. –Fenelon
"'The heart that serves, and loves, and clings,
'Hears everywhere the rush of angel wings.'"
First of all, I think we have plenty of examples
of Bible people being discouraged at various times, and they weren't
rebuked by God for it. I am not convinced that it is even
necessary to suffer without ever being discouraged because of the
example of the Psalmists in particular. If David and Asaph and others
had never been discouraged in suffering there are some important Psalms
that never would have been written for our comfort. So, yes, God blessed their
discouragement to us and used it for His glory.
Finally, are we supposed to be listening for the
rush of angel wings? Actually, no. There is no indication in the Bible
in general, and specifically in the New Testament that we are supposed
to be paying attention and looking for the evidence of angels around us.
Once in a long while it happens that we do become aware their presence, but we
are never told to listen for the sound of angel wings as a token that we
are pleasing God with our service, love, and clinging to Him. That is
just plain nonsense and superstition.
13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have
entertained angels unawares. We may entertain angels unawares
- but unawares is the key word there. We won't know it. (The
preoccupation with angels in some quarters is a topic for another time.)
In Conclusion
Romans 5:3-5 And not
only so,
but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh
patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope
maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts
by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
First of all, we are supposed to glory in
tribulations, Christian friend, not lie there like a placid puddle of
sludge that
has been conquered. Is that easy? Not in the body of this death!
Romans 7:24-25 O
wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this
death? I thank God through Jesus
Christ our Lord...
Tribulation, or suffering, does work patience;
but that is not the goal! Patience should lead to experience, and
experience to HOPE! "And hope maketh not
ashamed..." Why? "...because the love
of God - THE LOVE OF GOD - is shed
abroad in our hearts..." Yes, "
the Holy Ghost..."
Do you see what happened in this "devotional"? We
were told that through our suffering the Holy Spirit would allegedly
give us such perfection that we would become better than Jesus Christ,
the Holy Son of God! Then we were "blessed" to be conquered and to
annihilate our own ability of choice. We were left flat and lifeless
under Jesus' feet, listening, not to
the voice of our Saviour, but for the rush of angel wings - a thing that
doesn't exist for us scripturally speaking. Oh yes, we were to serve and
love and cling.
But do you see what is
Hope! Hope that maketh not ashamed! And, the love
of God!
We are never pulled up from the depths of the sea
by the strong hand of a mighty Saviour when we cry with Peter, "Lord
save me."
And, of course, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is blasphemed
in His precious words upon the cross!
Dear ones for Christ's sake, when we read
something that removes the hope and the love of God we ought to be
immediately on our guard. It is Satan that wants us hopeless and focused
upon ourselves and our own progress toward perfection, because he knows that
in that case we will always fail. It is the adversary that wants us
listening for angels' wings instead of rejoicing in the love of God shed
abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. Why? Because he is an angel of
light (2 Corinthians 11:14) who loves to deceive people as such.
And, there is probably little that pleases the
devil more than blaspheming the Lord Jesus Christ, which is what it is
when sinners saved by grace think they can be better than their Saviour.
Let's beware of this type of thinking wherever
and however it crops up. I once thought myself that asking God "why?" was a
I daresay Mrs. Cowman, or whoever she was
quoting, didn't intend to do these things, but it should serve as a
warning to us. We can
fall into the same mess if we are not attentive to what we are hearing
and what we are thinking on the subject of suffering. It is a subject
touches our lives deeply, especially in the emotions, which is one reason that it is
easy to get off
into incorrect thinking about it. It has also been written and preached
and sung about a great deal, and many wrong ideas have been put out
there for us to consume. We need to guard against the temptation to make
our own suffering or the suffering of others something greater than it
can ever be.
No human suffering can ever be greater than that
which Jesus Christ bore for us when He died in our place to save us from
our sin and from hell and to satisfy the wrath of Almighty God. All human suffering is
puny little stuff compared to His great suffering. This is why some
people may believe they can bear their suffering better than Jesus did,
because it seems to them that they are enduring theirs with so much more
acceptance. But, they fail to grasp the enormity of His suffering
compared to their own. Our enduring, no matter how great it seems
is minute compared to what He endured. And, yet, He endured it all
without sin. Nothing He did or said in all His terrible suffering was wrong
or unworthy of His position as a member of the Godhead. He suffered in
perfection because He suffered as God. He is our example and inspiration
and comfort because He has suffered and endured
without sin in a way
that we never can.
Hebrews 4:15-16 For we
have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our
infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as
we are, yet
without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that
we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 12:1-3
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so
easily beset us,
and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking
unto Jesus the author and finisher of
our faith; who for the joy that was set
before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at
the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such
contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint
in your minds.
* egregious - outstandingly bad; shocking.



Background and graphics
by Mary Stephens
Original vintage graphic: source unknown