Series StudiesAttributes of GodAttribute n. - a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something. This year (2015) I started a series of short studies on various attributes of God. They are posted at my blog, The Cotton Apron, but I'm linking to them from here so that they can be found easily and all in one place. The point of this series is not to make an in depth study of each attribute. I'm trying to post one each month and the idea is to keep that attribute in mind throughout that month so that we might think upon the Lord and who and what He is. Psalms 63:5-6 My soul shall be satisfied
as with marrow and fatness;
1. Trustworthy2. Faithful3. Eternal4. Living5. Forgiveness6. Humor, A Merry Heart7. Unchanging8. The Judge9. Love10. Safe11. True12. Present
Graphics and background by Mary
page created April 2015