Not By Nagging You said you were looking for lessons God has taught us so I wanted to write and share a lesson I've learned... If there's any repair work that needs to be done to your home (floors, painting, etc.) discussing it once with your husband should be all that's needed, and by that I mean, don't make yourself a nag! If you find yourself using every opportunity to bring up the subject of how bad your floors look or how much you'd like a new coat of paint on the walls, your jobs just might get done, but they will probably be done out of resentment from your husband. And the memories that you make with your family in that home might become tainted. That behavior is not something God would be [pleased with], nor would your husband. If you find yourself starting to become impatient at all the repairs that need to be done (and I said "need", but that includes "want" too) around the house, go to our Lord in prayer and allow His peace to flow over you. I've seen many a time when God has dealt with my husband over these very issues and when He did I was sure glad I didn't try and handle it myself by becoming a nag...Don't follow the worldly woman's way of doing things, it always back fires. Please also know manipulating your husband to do something for you is wrong. For example, starting a repair job in the home when he is at work, knowing when he comes home he has no choice but to finish it for you, [is] no way to get things done either. I say all this out of love and I hope it is a help to you. Lori Ann Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.